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Liberal constructivist

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Q: What are the two schools of thought surrounding the Supreme courts power of judicial review?
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What are the two schools of the thought surrounding the supreme courts power of judicial review?

Liberal constructivist

What are the two schools of thought surrounding the supreme court's power of judicial review?

Liberal constructivist

Is the district attorney executive branch or judicial branch?

State laws fall under the jurisdiction of the judicial branch of government. If a law is thought to be unconstitutional or unjust it is reviewed in the highest court ,the supreme court.

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Creationism can be taught in public schools in America after the Supreme court ruling of Stone v. Graham.

Which branch of government is appointed by our president?

The president appoints judges, who are part of the judicial branch.===============================================I thought the President also appointed (subject to Congressional oversight) the executive branch (like the Secretary of State and Attorney General).

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There are two schools of thought- We evolved from lower life forms. We were created by a supreme being, depending on your beliefs but science can only theorize until evidence is conclusive.

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There are several different schools of thought in the study of law and legal processes. These include natural law, positivist law and legal realism.

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This theory involves strict judicial restraint, to the degree where past 'errors' are corrected. In a sense, it is the reversal of decisions that are thought to too activist centered.

What are the schools of thought in law?

There are several different schools of thought in the study of law and legal processes. These include natural law, positivist law and legal realism.

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