A government might wish to create things they feel the people might need. These are things such as jobs or new infrastructures where they are needed the most.
in a conversation people might say factious things
Americans were afraid that communist dictatorships would take over American allies and that there was a unified plot to take over the the United States by means of an insidious communist infiltration into labor unions, government agencies and other key organizations. At this time there was a fear that Russia might attack the United States with large scale nuclear bombing.
Well, Antifederalist thought the Constitution took too much power away from the states and did not guarantee rights for the people. Some Antifederalists were afraid that a strong president might be declared king. Others thought the Senate might turn into a powerful aristocracy. Either way, all of the Antifederalists thought that if the Constitution was ratified, the liberties won at a great cost during the revolutionary war might be lost. By the way, I got all this information from a book called "Creating America: A History Of The United States" written by Jesus Garcia.
Hopeful that the people of Kansas and Nebraska might vote for slavery in those states.
They were afraid to lose there power.
good luck figuring it out
The only thing that I can come up with is Airplanes, because some people might be afraid that what happened to flight 3407 might happen to them. Hope I helped!
they might get shot
Some people are afraid of cats and not all of these people understand why
A small percentage are afraid - or, at least, uncomfortable around them. Afraid they might be hit on. Afraid the guy is looking at them and thinking about what they might do to them. Some are afraid of guilt by association. If you are around a gay guy, you might be gay also. Rarely are any of these fears justified.
People are afraid of the dentist office because they think it will hurt. They may be afraid of the drills, or afraid to get fillings. Or they might just be afraid of the dentist, and someone touching their mouth.
Because they might bite us if we're alone in the wild. People are afraid of lions too; and crocodiles.
They might think you're ugly
They are superstitous.
He might not be at the stage of talking to people he might just be shy
rich cool people who are not afraid of hights