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When encountered with documentation that is being debated upon to be law, the president can do 1 of 3 things. He can either veto it, leave it on his desk for 10 days (if he chooses to do so then after ten days the bill becomes a law), or he can sign it into a law.

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Q: What are the two ways a president can allow a bill to become law?
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The veto and pocket veto are two ways that the what can reject a bill?

The veto and the pocket veto are two ways that the _____ can reject a bill

What are four ways Congress can check the power of the president?

Confirming or Denying the President's appointees (such as Supreme Judges) Granting (or not) the President the right to declare war Overrule by both houses of a presidential signature on a bill Ability to write a bill changing the president's powers

How does the president get into office?

There are several ways to become part of the executive branch. The big one is to be voted in as president or Vice President. The next one is to be all ready in government and to take a post on the cabinet or become an advisor to the president. Finally, all of the people there need support people to do the footwork. Young men and women can apply to become an aide or intern to the west wing and that is done through their senator.

Can the president recommend legislation to congress?

The US President can certainly make a draft of a law he would like to see the Congress to pass. A quick example is this: the president wants a bill created to allocate $100,000,000 for a mars exploration project. As this is a "money" bill, he could give the draft to a member of the House of Representatives. He can also make it clear that the bill is a priority. He cannot do anything more then that. He cannot make "legislation". If the bill passes the House & is approved by the Senate, then the President can sign the bill into law.

List the basic steps of how a bill becomes a law?

it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes

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What are the ways a bill can become a law?

committee says yeshouse of repestives vote yessenate says yeswhite house president has to sign

The veto and pocket veto are two ways that the what can reject a bill?

The veto and the pocket veto are two ways that the _____ can reject a bill

What are three ways a bill can start?

The three ways in which an idea for a bill can start are: The president, Organized groups, the public, and members of Congress.

Two ways the president can kill a bill?

Two ways that a president can kill a bill that has been passed in both houses are used on occasion. One is a direct veto and the other is a pocket veto when the president does not sign the bill within 30 days.

What are the two ways a bill may become a law without the Presidents signature?

A bill can become a law without the President's signature if the President takes no action within 10 days while Congress is in session, and the bill automatically becomes law. Alternatively, if Congress overrides the President's veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the bill becomes a law without the President's signature.

What ways can the President block a bill from becoming law?

With a Veto or a Pocket Veto.

In what ways does the president play an important role in the legislative process?

Whether or not a bill becomes a law is based on the president's decision. The president can either sign the bill, which then becomes a law in ninety days. If the president vetoes the bill, then either the bill doesn't become a law or congress can override the veto with a two-thirds vote. If the bill is not signed or vetoed within ten days, and congress is not in session, it doesn't become a law. If congress is in session at that time, it becomes a law.

What are the ways congress can check the power of the president?

Confirming or Denying the President's appointees (such as Supreme Judges) Granting (or not) the President the right to declare war Overrule by both houses of a presidential signature on a bill Ability to write a bill changing the president's powers

Does the US Congress make or suggest laws?

The President suggests laws, and Congress makes laws. A President can stop a bill from becoming a law (that's called a veto), but it can become a law anyway if at least 2/3 of each house of Congress vote in favor of it (that's called overriding the veto).A President may not legally decide which federal laws he/she will enforce and which he/she will not enforce. (Regarding the question of why we keep allowing him to do so, I don't have the answer to that.)

What are four ways Congress can check the power of the president?

Confirming or Denying the President's appointees (such as Supreme Judges) Granting (or not) the President the right to declare war Overrule by both houses of a presidential signature on a bill Ability to write a bill changing the president's powers

What are some of the ways to become president of the US?

If fact, there are only 2 ways to become the nation´s President: 1) Over 35 years old, native-born American citizen, resident in the United States for 14 years, elected by the people or 2) be the first in the succession in case the President dies or needs to be absent (vice-President).

What are the ways a president can stop a bill from becoming law?

He can stop one with a veto and a pocket veto. A pocket veto is when he waits 10 days and allows the bill to wither away.