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There are several, but to name a couple, there is lobbying and engaging in rating games. Lobbying allows them to meet with the senators and congress men. Engaging in rating games such as the "dirty dozen", helps give them voice.

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Interest groups employ both direct and indirect lobbying in order to achieve their goals.

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campaign contributions and edorsements

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all of them

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Q: What are two techniques interest groups use to influence elections?
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Groups that seek to influence politics and public policy by spending money on elections are called?

Answer this question… political parties.

Some problems with lobbyists and interest groups are?

Lobbyists and interests groups influence the elections by persuading the legislators to vote for legislation that favors their employer. Lobbyists and interests groups take care of their own sectional interest ignoring the views of the majority of the people in a democratic setup.

How do interest groups influence US foreign policy?

Interest groups lobby policymakers.

What is the main interest of interest groups?

to influence public policy

What is the purpose of interest groups and lobbyists?

The main purpose of Interest Groups is to attempt to influence politicians

What are two groups that shape influence legislation?

individuals and interest groups

What interest groups attempts to influence public policy at the international level?

Interest groups influence public policy through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in mind. The number one way interest groups affect public policy is by providing information to politicians which is illegal. Interest groups influence public opinion by showing the upsides of their policies & hiding the downsides. Also interest groups influence public policies through lobbying of their specific special interest they have in their minds. They usually get popular people to support it.

What are some problems with lobbyists and interests groups?

Lobbyists and interests groups influence the elections by persuading the legislators to vote for legislation that favors their employer. Lobbyists and interests groups take care of their own sectional interest ignoring the views of the majority of the people in a democratic setup.

What is the basic for interest groups influence on government?

this dick

How can interest groups enhance its influence over congress?

Some interest groups influence congress by giving them money. They may give them money for their campaigns or by other means.

What is the basis for interest groups' influence on government?

Often the size of the interest group will determine its effectiveness and its influence within the government.

Single interest groups try to affect elections based on?

Single interest groups try to affect the outcome of elections by getting voters to focus on their interests. They often use media to educate the public to their way of thinking and tell what the candidates believe.