Concerning direct democracy and the entire US government system, the House of Representatives is the branch of the federal government most aligned with direct democracy. Voters in designated sections of each state elect a representative to be a member in the House of Representatives. This is also true of the election process of US senators. The executive and judicial branches of the US government are indirect ways the system operates. For example, the election of a US president is not determined by the overall popular vote in the US. Instead each state sends delegates to the Electoral College to cast votes based on the election results in each state.
Americans Have political representation in both the house of representative and the senate APEX LEARNING!!
direct democracy
This is a concept of democracy. A true democracy allows each individual to place a vote and bring up their minds without having any consequences.
The fourteenth amendment guarantees that all citizens are equal under the law.
Democracy is based on debate. It tends to have a collective consciousness effect, and ideally the more voices that are heard the better the result. The Wiki concept is very similar to this concept. More contributors/contributions should theoretically produce a better end product.
Americans have political representation in both the House of Representative and the Senate
Americans have political representation in both the House of Representative and the Senate
Americans have political representation in both the House of Representative and the Senate
No. I don't think the concept was known in that part of the world at the time. "Politics" was either Kings or Emperors.
Americans Have political representation in both the house of representative and the senate APEX LEARNING!!
liberal concept of democracy
The ancient Hebrews had no concept of democracy, and therefore had contributed nothing to it.
A person applying for American citizenship is most closely related to the concept of nationality.
No there is no connection between the concept of feudalism and democracy.
Your question doesn't make sense: democracy can't fall - it's a concept.
direct democracy
The noun 'democracy' is an abstract noun, a word for a system of government; a word for a concept.