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She believed that it did not go far enough.

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Q: What best describes Abigail Adam's attitude toward the declaration of independence?
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Who wrote a letter to his wife Abigail describing the first public reading of Declaration of Independence?

John Adams

What did Abigail Adams ask her husband John to include in the Declaration of Independence?

She didn’t ask him to include anything in the Declaration, but it was the constitution. The Declaration was an open letter to the king telling him the colonies grievances and declaring independence. She asked him to consider women’s rights while working on the constitution. She was an early feminist, but it was to no avail because women in the 1700’s had no rights for anything in government or society.

Who started Independence Day?

Independence Day has been celebrated by the American people since July 4, 1776, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain and the Crown. No one individual started it, although John Adams had written in a letter to his wife Abigail that it would become the most celebrated day in American history.

What two groups had no rights under the declaration?

i think Abigail Adams, wife of delegate John Adams, are two groups had no rights under the declaration.

Did mercy Otis warren sign the Declaration of Independence?

No, Mercy Otis warren did not sign the Declaration of Independence . However, she and her patriotic husband, General James Warren, had long urged their patriotic ally and friend John Adams to convince mmebers of the Continental Congress to have a Declaration prepared and signed. When a copy of the Declaration finally arrived in Boston in July 1776,, the Warrens and their friend Abigail Adams were recovering from illnesses related to recent smallpox inoculations. Nancy Rubin Stuart, Author, "The Muse of the Revolution: The Secret Pen of Mercy Otis Warren and the Founding of a Nation "( Beacon Press, 2008, 2009).

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Who wrote a letter to his wife Abigail describing the first public reading of Declaration of Independence?

John Adams

Who wrote a letter to his wife Abigail describing the first public reading of the declaration of independence?

John Adams

What was the main idea of the letter to john Adams Abigail Adams?

The main idea was to include women in the declaration of independence.

How did women react to the Declaration of Independence?

they were not happy so Abigail Adams told her husband to "remember the ladies". that's when they included them:)

When was john Adams most effective?

during the revolutionary war... he was the president and listened to his wife (abigail adams) who said to include women rights in the Declaration of Independence (: hope this helped during the revolutionary war... he was the president and listened to his wife (abigail adams) who said to include women rights in the Declaration of Independence (: hope this helped

Who tried to influence her husband to include women's right in declaration?

Abigail Adams.

Who urged her husband to remember the ladies?

That was Abigail Adams, who wrote to her husband John, while he was away in Philadelphia working on getting the Declaration of Independence organized and passed in the Second Continental Congress.

Who urged the husband to remember the ladies?

That was Abigail Adams, who wrote to her husband John, while he was away in Philadelphia working on getting the Declaration of Independence organized and passed in the Second Continental Congress.

What did Abigail Adams ask her husband John to include in the Declaration of Independence?

She didn’t ask him to include anything in the Declaration, but it was the constitution. The Declaration was an open letter to the king telling him the colonies grievances and declaring independence. She asked him to consider women’s rights while working on the constitution. She was an early feminist, but it was to no avail because women in the 1700’s had no rights for anything in government or society.

John and Abigail's letters span nearly?

John and Abigail Adams letters span nearly 40 years. They greeted each other as 'My Dearest Friend" and covered all the major events of the day including the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the first letter sent fro the White house.

How did Abigail Adams contribute to America's independence?

She didnt

What were some documents of the American revolution?

Some of the documents were: The Treaty of Paris, The Federalist Papers,The Constitution,The Declaration of Independence,The Letters between John and Abigail Adams,The Stamp Act,The Tea Act, and The Articles of Confederation