They established a public and consistent set of rules for a society.
There are great similarities between God's Torah and Hammurabi's code. (The 10 commandments sum up all commands and are included in Torah) For example, Hammurabi said "If a man puts out the eye of an equal, his eye shall be put out." The Torah version is:
Exo 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Exo 21:25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
What Hammurabi's code lacks is the ability to discern intent. If you killed within the society ruled under his code, you were killed. Whereas Torah, God's law or instruction, allows for intent to be considered. Thus a kiilling may not be murder but manslaughter.
The code of Hammurabi predates the giving of the 10 commandments by a few hundred years. However, what is often overlooked is that God's Torah was committed to writing a couple of hundred years after Hammurabi's code, but there is ample evidence that God's Torah (laws, instructions) were well known LONG before Sinai. For example:
Gen 26:4 And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed;
Gen 26:5 because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws." (laws is torahs in the Hebrew manuscripts)
Exo 16:28 And the Lord said to Moses, "How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My laws?
In the Genesis reference, Abraham obviously kept God's commandments and laws a good 400 years before Sinai and more than 100 years before Hammurabi's code. In the Exd. passage above, God asking how long will they refuse to keep his commands happens a couple of years before Sinai. I share those two references to show that God's laws/commands were known before they were written on stone.
Some historians point to the Torah/Sinai being inspired by Hammurabi's code, and I accept that perspective as valid even if I personally do not agree with it. I personally see scripture revealing that Hammurabi might have been inspired by the laws/commands of the Hebrew God.
The polytheistic law-code of Hammurabi was assembled by human beings, while the Torah which includes the Ten Commandments (Exodus ch.20) was, according to tradition, given by God (Exodus 24:12). The code of Hammurabi, and those of Eshnuna, Lipit-Ishtar and the Hittites (etc.), were subject to occasional revision, reversal, and eventual abandonment, while the Torah's commands were not. Many law codes limit themselves to legal matters, whereas the Torah intersperses its laws with moral exhortations and subjects of belief, behavior and attitudes. The Jews, by and large, adhered to the practices of the Torah, which calls for kindness, charity, scholarliness, the value of human life, equal treatment, and the abhorrence of promiscuity. The code of Hammurabi, on the other hand, calls for literal retaliation. Robbers are killed. Women are not considered legally equal to men; and landless men are not judged equally to landowners.
Well if you mean judaism it is the Jewish religion. As long as you know what the Jewish religion is we're good. If you don't mean judaism well i guess you have the wrong answer!!!!it is a religion.
Answer this question… When the world saw the atrocities that had been committed on the Jewish people during the Holocaust, many states began strongly supporting creating a Jewish state in Palestine.
the jewish calendar began many centuries before before the Gregorian Calendar. Jewish answer The Jewish calendar consists of twelve lunar months. It also keeps in step with the solar year, by adding a thirteenth lunar leap-month seven times every nineteen years. The Gregorian calendar, which sticks to the solar year, ignores the lunar months and does not attempt to keep in step with them.
Jewish Groups
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr..................................Roman Catholic Justice Antonin Scalia................................................Roman Catholic Justice Anthony Kennedy............................................Roman Catholic Justice Clarence Thomas............................................Roman Catholic Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.......................................Jewish Justice Stephen Breyer...............................................Jewish Justice Samuel Alito..................................................Roman Catholic Justice Sonia Sotomayor............................................Roman Catholic Justice Elena Kagan...................................................Jewish
The Israelites used the Jewish Ten Commandments as the basis for their legal system. -Apex
They established codes of conduct that God expected his followers to obey.
One of the Jewish Ten Commandments is "You shall not murder," which prohibits the intentional taking of another person's life.
The commandments were given to Moses and actually there were 600 commandments before the Catholic Church made it 10 in the Middle Ages. These commandments were given to the Jewish people.
The Torah did have, and still has, 613 commandments, according to Jewish tradition.
No. Tradition holds that Jewish history began with Abraham, about 500 years before the giving of the 10 commandments.
I think it's the torah =)
There are two slightly different versions of the 10 commandments, one in Exodus, one in Deuteronomy. Jews generally refer to the 10 statements, since some of the statements are not in the form of commandments. The 2 versions of the 10 commandments differ in whether we are commanded to keep the Sabbath or to Remember it. Jews believe that the 10 commandments are only binding on Jews, while the 7 Noachide commandments are binding on all mankind.
Jewish and Christian faiths follow the Ten Commandments.
monotheism, and the ten commandments
No he's Jewish.