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I have ther questions: 1.- which branch has 4 ways of overriding the actions of the legislative branch 2.- what branch has 5 ways of overriding the actions of the executive branch 3.- what is the minimum number of years of sitizenship required to serve as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court

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10y ago

The Legislative branch of government has 5 ways (in some countries more) of overriding the actions of the Executive branch of government. The Legislative is the branch comprised of a country's lawmakers.

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10y ago

The executive branch has four ways to override any actions of the legislative branch. The four ways are: power of veto, call congressional special sessions, recommend legislation, and appeal to the people about legislation.

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16y ago

they interperates laws i think.....

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Q: What branch has 4 ways of overriding the action of the legislative branch?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What are some ways the presidential power is limited?

the legislative branch can override his veto with a 2/3 majority vote.

How can the executive branch check the legislative check branch?

There are several ways the Executive Branch can check the Legislative Branch. The President has the power to veto bills sent to him by Congress. That means he does not sign the bill into law. In the State of the Union Address, the President lays out his legislative agenda and those items are usually addressed first in the new Congress. The President can give speeches and appear on TV and radio to ask the public to support or oppose certain legislation. The right of "executive privilege" or the right to withhold information that Congress may want to obtain from the President gives the executive a way of blocking action and a way of forcing Congress to bargain with him over policies.

What are the three different branches of government called?

The branches of government are called branches due to the way the flow of power is generally diagrammed. We, the people, the the source or root of the power and we empower the government in three main ways. Those are the branches.

What 3 ways do courts make laws?

In a democratic system which is comprised of 3 branches of government namely: the Judiciary, the Legislative, and the Executive' the functions are, therefore, divided and limited. Whereas the functions of the judiciary is to interpret the law, the legislative branch is the one that creates it and the executive administers or implements the law.

What ways can the us population not directly participate in the government?

Voting, Attending Legislative Sessions, and Protesting

Related questions

What are ways the power of the US are divided?

Well as for government: Judiciary Branch Executive Branch Legislative Branch

Name 3 ways the powers of the US were divided?

executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch

What branch is responsible for going to war or not?

The Legislative Branch is the only branch capable of declaring war. The Executive Branch has ways of working around the Legislative Branch, but the legislators are the ones who actually declare the war.

What are the three ways powers of the US are divided?

Well as for government: Judiciary Branch Executive Branch Legislative Branch

What ways does the legislative branch check the power of judicial branch?

If the legislative branch does not agree with the way in which the judicial branch has interpreted the law, they can introduce a new piece of legislation, and the process starts all over again.

What are some ways that the legislative branch or executive branch can get around a law that the supreme court has found unconstitutional?

by walking around it

How many are there in the legislative branch?

In the United States government, there is only one legislative branch, but it is divided into two sections-- the Senate (100 senators), and the House of Representatives (435 representatives). But other countries have their legislative branch set up in different ways--for example, in England, there is the House of Lords and the House of Commons.none, there are three branches of goverment, and they are executive, legislative, and the judical branch.

How many branches are there in the legislative branch?

In the United States government, there is only one legislative branch, but it is divided into two sections-- the Senate (100 senators), and the House of Representatives (435 representatives). But other countries have their legislative branch set up in different ways--for example, in England, there is the House of Lords and the House of Commons.none, there are three branches of goverment, and they are executive, legislative, and the judical branch.

How does the legislative branch check itself?

the fact that it's broken into two houses, the senate and the house of reps keeps the legislative branch in many ways pitted against itself instead of doing whatever it wants

What branch of power is being checked by the excecutive branch?

The Legislative and Judicial are both checked in their own ways. Legislation can be vetoed and people to the Judicial branch must be appointed( and confirmed).

What are some ways the presidential power is limited?

the legislative branch can override his veto with a 2/3 majority vote.

What ways does the legislative branch use its power on the local level?

It helps our cities and towns by trying to get them more budget money.