The Judicial Branch had this power. The process in which this branch declare laws constitutional or unconstitutional is called the Judicial Review
The Judicial Branch has the power to declare the acts unconstitutional.
The federal courts can check the Presidents power by that courts can declare executive actions unconstitutional.
Both the Judicial and Legislative branch can check the Executive branch. The Judicial branch has the power of judicial review and can declare any act of the Executive branch to be unconstitutional and therefore void. The Legislative branch has a number of checks on the Exectuive branch. The President, the head of the Executive Branch, can appoint federal judges but the Senate must approve.
The Supreme Court gained the power to declare laws unconstitutional
judicial, executive
They can declare laws unconstitutional and veto them.
The Judicial Branch has the power to declare the acts unconstitutional.
The Judicial branch has the power to interpret the laws, or decide if they are unconstitutional. The checks on the Judicial branch are the power of the executive branch to enforce the laws and the power of the legislative branch to make laws.
The Judicial branch.
The federal courts can check the Presidents power by that courts can declare executive actions unconstitutional.
The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. However, the supreme court has the power to deem any action unconstitutional or unlawful, and prevent or undo those actions.
They can declare executive acts unconstitutional
Both the Judicial and Legislative branch can check the Executive branch. The Judicial branch has the power of judicial review and can declare any act of the Executive branch to be unconstitutional and therefore void. The Legislative branch has a number of checks on the Exectuive branch. The President, the head of the Executive Branch, can appoint federal judges but the Senate must approve.
The judicial branch has powers to interpret laws, or regulations or other actions of the executive branch, or to declare them unconstitutional. It serves as a "check" on the executive by having the power to interpret the law differently than the executive, and having that interpretation supercede the interpretation of the executive branch. In addition, the judicial branch resolves disputes between the executive branch and citizens or businesses, providing a "check" on any excesses of the executive branch.
Can declare laws unconstitutional
The power to declare legislation to be unconstitutional and, therefore, unenforceable.