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Q: What branch of government has the most unchecked power?
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What has the most power?

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Which branch has the most power?

What branch of Government has the most power, and what are the houses in each branch.

What is the single most important characteristic of American Democracy?

The single most important characteristic of American Democracy is the principle of checks and balances. This ensures that no single branch of government has unchecked power, helping to prevent tyranny and maintain a system of accountability.

Which branch of the federal government has the greatest power?

The legislative branch of the government has the most power. The members of it are elected by the people and they make laws that govern the nation.

What branch of government has the most power?

all three branches are powerful but the executive branch has the most power

Which branch of government has most power?

None, all three of them have equal power,although they are different.

Which system gives the most power to the legislative branch?

Theoretically, the legislative branch of government has more power in a Parliamentary system than in a Presidential system of government.

Which branch of government held the most power under the state constitutions?


The parliamentary form of government gives most of the power of government to the executive?

The statement, "The parliamentary form of government gives most of the power of government to the executive" (that is, to the executive branch of the government), is in fact generally false. While an executive branch of a parliamentary system may in fact have tremendous freedom to act politically as its particular genius dictates, it nevertheless receives legitimacy from the legislative branch of the government, which retains the power to revoke the power of the executive branch by formal schedule, in identifiable emergency-situations, or otherwise.

What does the executive branch check of the legislative branch?

The Executive Branch can veto bills. It can be argued that Congress has most of the power in government, but it is also compromised of the most people with the most direct contact with the people, therefore the power is still very dispersed.

Constitutions made which branch of government the most powerful?

the most powerful branch of the government is the executive branch.

What happens if one branch gets to much power?

It depends on which branch of government gets the most the power.Check the linked site out. It will help you understand.