Executive Branch
No the legislative branch in the US is bicameral. Bicameral means that the legislature is divided into 2 separate branches. In the US the legislature is divided into the Senate and House of Representatives.
"Asm." is the abbreviation for the word "assemblyman," and "asw." is the abbreviation for "assemblywoman."
No. The Judicial Branch cannot make laws. This branch interprets laws. However, the Legislature Branch can make laws.
There are 80 assemblymen (and women) in the California legislature. Visit assembly.ca.gov to list them.
Article I can be found in the legislature branch
He was State Assemblyman in the Illinois State Legislature, and then elected to US Congress from Illinois.
The legislature branch is responsible for creating laws. The legislative branch is also responsible for regulating interstate commerce and declare war.
They make the laws.
Cuba's legislature branch is the national assembly of people powers
They check the laws made by legislature branch.
The legislature can make laws so if the judicial branch judges something not moral, the legislature can change the law.
they intended it to have the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch.
The legislature branch approves the justice chosen by the head of the executive branch.