The Executive Branch is the one that is over the Armed Forces. The Executive Branch consists of the President and Vice President.
1. Punish Piracies 2. Declare War 3.Organize militia 4. Raise and support armed forces 5. Provide navy 6. Regulate armed forces 7. Call forth militia (Straight from my textbook)
The Armed Forces is an element of the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense is a department of the Executive Branch of government. The President of the United States is the head of the Executive Branch, and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
As head of state, and head of the Executive branch of the government, the President is the commander in chief of the US armed forces.
Because the Executive Branch has the "inherent" Constitutional power to enter into a contract.
The whole if the armed forces are not commanded by a single branch of it.
The branch of the US armed forces that has admirals is the Navy. The armed forces is made up of the army, air forces and the navy.
Executive branch, the commander in chief is the president who is in this branch.
You do not need a high school diploma to join the armed forces. Upon recruitment, the armed services provide you with the training you will need to serve in the branch of the military.
the executive branch
Legislative Branch
The US Armed Forces are coprised of five separate branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. None of the branches commands the Armed Forces, that job is reserved for the President of the United States, as the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.
US Army
Department of Defense.
The US Congress.
The marines