Executive, because the Federal executive (president) vetoes bills from our national legislature (Congress) and the governers (state executives) veto bills from our state legislatures.
The president checks the actions of the legislative branch through vetoes on bills passed by Congress.
The legislative branch
sign or kill Actually, a Governor may either sign or veto a bill. If he or she vetoes it, there is the possibility that the legislature may override that veto.
the purpose of the executives branch is the group of congress that say wheat her the laws can be pass on or they vetoes it
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the most vetoes with 635 vetoes. However, he served three-plus terms. Grover Cleveland vetoed 584 bills in just two terms. Andrew Jackson vetoed only 12 bills but that was more than the total of all the six presidents before him.
the judidcal branch of government
The Executive Branch has the authority to veto a bill.
The president is the only one who "vetoes" bills
The president checks the actions of the legislative branch through vetoes on bills passed by Congress.
The legislative branch (Congress) can override a bill was a 2/3 vote
Executive, because the Federal executive (president) vetoes bills from our national legislature (Congress) and the governers (state executives) veto bills from our state legislatures.
The legislative branch
False. Pocket vetoes are bills that the president does not sign and which are received less than ten days before Congress adjourns.
The Executive branch.
All Bills Vetoed-635 Regular Vetoes-372 Pocket Vetoes-263 Vetoes Overridden-9
Executive branch. The President.