Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.
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Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.
Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.
Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.
Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.
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It hurt the Native American cause because the colonists weren't likely to give the Native Americans permission to have their land back, so them siding against the colonists ensured they weren't going to get it back. Many Native Americans were killed in the battle, so that further decreased their population after suffering a wave of disease from the settlers.
There were a couple causes for why the people of Jamestown left. The main reasons were strained relationships with the local Native Americans, drought, and a host of several diseases carried by mosquitoes and caused by poor water and other items that caused colonists to starve and die.
The animals that were brought with the colonists were not native to the land and the colonists allowed them to roam around the colony. When they did this the animals would eat the crops the Native Americans were growing. This caused a problem between the two groups and if one of the Native Americans killed or hurt one of the animals the colonists would charge them for the animal and all the offspring of that animal. Not only were the colonists bringing nonnative animals, but they also introduced plants and insects into the environment trying to create another England. The honey bee was the most destructive insect introduced to North America and essentially the colonists practiced environmental terrorism against the Native Americans.
Diseases, largely smallpox, brought by Europeans caused millions of deaths among the native Americans who had no resistance to these foreign diseases.
Many native Americans succumbed to the diseases brought over by the Europeans, as they had no immunity.
that would be diseases that they carried over with them...