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Presidents and civil officers can be impeached for accepting bribes or committing treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Only Congress has the power to impeach the president.

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Q: What charges can result in the impeachment of the president and all other civil officers?
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What charges was brought against Bill Clinton that led to his impeachment?

The nature of the charges brought against President Bill Clinton were those of willfully providing false or perjurious information to the grand jury. These charges led to his impeachment.

Who tries impeaches?

The Senate tries impeachment trials. Upon conviction, a public official will be removed from office and barred in the future, but no criminal charges result from an impeachment trial.

How was Bill Clinton still president after being impeached?

Technically no, because he was acquitted. President Clinton was impeached by the US House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, on charges of lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstruction of justice. Impeachment is like indictment by a grand jury: The House reviews evidence, then votes whether they should file formal charges -- called articles of impeachment -- against a government official (in this case, the President). If a simple majority (51%) votes in favor of impeachment (filing charges), then the case goes to trial in the Senate. No one can be removed from office unless found guilty in a Senate trial. On February 12, 1999, the Senate acquitted (found not guilty) President Clinton of the charges (articles of impeachment) against him, so he stayed in office. If two-thirds of the Senators present had voted for conviction (to find him guilty), he would have been removed from office.

Was President Nixon impeached as a result of the Watergate scandal?

Yes. President Nixon was impeached. However, we first must define impeachment. Impeachment is the trial that Nixon went through. He was found guilty (obviously guilty) and was therefore impeached. After he was found guilty there were discussions on whether to "fire" him from his job as president but Nixon quit before anything could happen. He therefore was able to keep the benefits that any former president would have and (sort of but not really) save face.

President Nixon made this statement during the investigation of what came to be known as the Watergate Scandal. What was the result of this investigation for President Nixon?

The result of the investigation into the Watergate Scandal was the discovery of evidence of President Nixon's involvement in the cover-up of the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters. As a result, Nixon faced impeachment by the House of Representatives. However, before the impeachment process could be completed, he resigned from office on August 8, 1974.

What did the impeachment of Clinton result in?

President Clinton was impeached (accused) of crimes in office, but when the impeachment documents were considered by the Senate, Clinton was not convicted, so remained in office.

Why did Clinton stay in office if he was impeached?

Impeachment is part of a 2 part process. The first being "impeachment" and the second being "conviction. Impeachment is just a formal legal declaration of some grand wrong doing. It does not forcefully remove a Federal Official from office. The second part, conviction, is the legal process. You can either receive "convicted" or "failure to convict". President Clinton was acquitted by a vote of 50-50. Article II Section 4 of the American Constitution says "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

What crimes can get the president removed from office?

Treason, malfeasance in office, obstruction of justice, lying under oath, accepting bribes and kick-backs would be cause for impeachment and would result on removal on conviction. The exact grounds for the impeachment charges are up the House to define and the Senate can acquit if considers the charges to be unworthy of removal.

What is the maximum years a president can be imprisoned through impeachment?

The result of conviction after impeachment is removal from office- imprisonment is not a possibility from this process. Civil courts could indict and try him for crimes that could result in prison sentences upon conviction. The possible lengths of the sentences would depend on what the crimes were.

What events led to bill Clinton's impeachment?

Perjury. His impeachment did not result in conviction. However, he was disbarred for the perjury.

What offensives can cause the impeachment and trial of a US president?

A US president can be impeached for committing treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. The House of Representatives can bring charges against a president for the above crimes. A trial of the president in the Senate then takes place. A conviction results in the removal form office of the president. A not guilty verdict allows a president to remain in office.

Why cant the president fire the vice president?

No, not during the term. The vice-president can be impeached by the House and then removed from office after a trial by the Senate. If a president runs for a second term, he can get a different running mate for his second run, if the nomination convention agrees.