a journal written by a civil war soldier describing a major battle
When researching American independence or almost any founding-period subject, the Declaration of Independence is indeed a primary source. The difference between primary sources and secondary sources hinges on this simple distinction: a primary source is (or was) "there", while a secondary source is (or was) not "there" but instead talks "about" it.
The steps historians take include studying the lives of ppl in different times and places is the work of the historians. The most basic tool for this work is historical evidence. Historians collect the evidence, then use it to interpret events. Historians look first at a primary source, first hand information about ppl or events or a secondary source that is stated after the fact.
Primary Source
A letter is a primary source.
A primary source might be a letter, photograph, or speech that
Answer this question… Primary sources are created by people who actually experienced the event
Answer this question… Primary sources are created by people who actually experienced the event
A primary source is something that comes from the time that the history is studying. If a historian is studying the first world war, then letters and diaries writen by soldiers, the uniforms they wore and the weapons that they used are primary sources. If a soldier who fought in the trenches wrote about his memories of the war a long time after the war had finished, it would stil be a primary source.
It would eliminate the need for her to evaluate primary sources that have already been analyzed by other historians.
A journal written by a black south African describing his experiences with apartheid polices -Apex
No, a primary source is a contemporary account. To write it now creates a secondary source.
A historian's account of Julius Caesar's victory against Spain is a secondary source not a primary source. Secondary sources analyze and explain primary sources. Primary sources are documents or objects that were created during the time being studied.
Primary source
Primary source
A historian may ask themselves the following questions to determine if a primary source is usable: Is the source contemporary to the events being studied? Is the author credible and knowledgeable about the subject matter? Is there bias or perspective that needs to be considered when interpreting the source?
An historian wants to know how the gulf war was fought.what is the appropriate way to use primary source?
What are three examples of primary sources a hitorisn might use