They can be grouped in the following way:
Constitutional Monarchies (a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e., uncodified) or blended constitution. [wikipedia]). There are twenty Constitutional Monarchies:
1. Bahrain
2. Belgium
3. Bhutan
4. Cambodia
5. Denmark
6. Japan
7. Jordan
8. Kuwait
9. Lesotho
10. Liechtenstein
11. Luxembourg
12. Monaco
13. Morocco
14. The Netherlands
15. Norway
16. Spain
17. Sweden
18. Thailand
19. Tonga
20. The United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchies - Commonwealth Realms (a form of government where an independent country, member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, recognizes Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, as their Queen.) There are fifteen Commonwealth Realms:
1. Antigua and Barbuda
2. Australia
3. The Bahamas
4. Barbados
5. Belize
6. Canada
7. Grenada
8. Jamaica
9. New Zealand
10. Papua New Guinea
11. Saint Kitts and Nevis
12. Saint Lucia
13. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
14. The Solomon Islands
15. Tuvalu
Absolute Monarchies (a form of government in which the monarch serves as the sole source of political power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution. [wikipedia]). There are five Absolute Monarchies:
1. Brunei
2. Oman
3. Qatar
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Swaziland
"Other" Monarchies (There are three other nations in the world that are considered Monarchies but have a very different and unique system than any of those listed above.) They are:
1. Andorra - a Principality where the role of monarch is exercised jointly by the two co-princes: the President of France and the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Urgell, Spain. Both individuals have the title of Prince of Andorra.
2. Malaysia - a Federal Constitutional Elective Monarchy where the monarch is elected to a five year term from among the nine hereditary Sultans of the Malay States. During this time, the sultan is referred to as the Paramount Sultan or King of Malaysia.
3. The United Arab Emirates - a Constitutional Monarchy with a Federal Presidential System where the monarch is elected to a five year term from among the seven hereditary Emirs of the constituent states. During this time, the emir is referred to as the President of The United Arab Emirates.
Constitutional Monarchy
The July Revolution brought about a constitutional monarchy.
Backing constitutional monarchy Opposing Catholicism in England
A [constitutional] monarchy can be both a unitary and a federal form of government. There are contemporary [federal] constitutional monarchies in some countries (Malaysia, Bhutan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom), and unitary constitutional monarchies in others (Australia, Belize, Belgium, Solomon Islands). It is more of a technicality whether or not you can classify certain monarchies as unitary or federal in the modern day governmental system.
absolute monarchy and constitutional monarch.
Constitutional monarchy is a form of democratic government where in monarchs play the role of a non-party political head of state within a constitution. Australia, Japan, Canada, Cambodia and Spain are countries with constitutional monarchy.
Lyndsay is beautiful! <3
The United Kingdom
Well it depends on the time period. England is a constitutional monarchy, so is Spain and the Netherlands. Japan is an imperialistic constitutional monarchy. These are only a few of the long list of constitutional monarchies in the world today and in the past.
the answer is 4 refered
There are very few countries that follow AbsoluteMonarchies. Saudi Arabia might be one of them. In terms of Constitutional Monarchies, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand are amongst the few that do. Many of the Commonwealth countries are also governed under constitutional monarchy
The similarities between a monarchy and constitutional monarchy are that their are both monarchies.
Canada: constitutional monarchy United States: republic Mexico: republic Belize: constitutional monarchy Guatemala: republic El Salvador: republic Honduras: republic Nicaragua: republic Costa Rica: republic Panama: republic Bahamas: constitutional monarchy Cuba: republic Jamaica: constitutional monarchy Haiti: republic Dominican Republic: republic Dominica: republic Grenada: constitutional monarchy Barbados: constitutional monarchy Antigua and Barbuda: constitutional monarchy Saint Kitts and Nevis: constitutional monarchy Saint Lucia: constitutional monarchy Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: constitutional monarchy Trinidad and Tobago: republic All the countries listed above with a constitutional monarchy are all headed by Queen Elizabeth II, the monarch of the UK.
constitutional monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy
There's never a good constitutional monarchy around when you need one. Sweden is a constitutional monarchy.
Constitutional monarchy and Parliamentary democracy.Constitutional monarchy