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The US was worried that if Vietnam fell to communism it would lead to a domino effect. It was believed that nearby countries would also become communist as a result.

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Q: What countries fell to domino theory?
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What was Dwight D. Eisenhower's foreign policy?

The Domino Theory became well known during Eisenhower¹s term. The hypothesis behind the Domino theory was that once one nation fell to Communism, the others would fall like Dominoes and thus all of Asia would be under the control of the communists.

What was the purpose of Truman Doctrine?

On the surface, the Truman Doctrine was to offer military and economic aid to the fighters attempting to repel Soviet backed forces in Greece and Turkey. However, the Truman Doctrine also allowed the U.S. and its allies to practice what would be called the Containment Theory. The theory said that Communism had to be contained in countries already exposed to Communism so they would not spread. If they spread to one country, the surrounding countries would also pick up Communism, in a domino effect that would cause the entire world to be Communist. This is a partial cause of the Vietnam War, attempting to aid in economic and military means, the South Vietnamese, who were trying to keep Communism contained to the north.

Who created the Mayflower Compact?

Anno Domino

What policy toward communism did diplomat george f Keenan recommend?

He recommended "Containment", which remained the official US policy until after the Vietnam war. Its end was also influenced by the fact that it then also transpired that the 'Domino theory" of the USA was incorrect, which held that if one nation fell to Communism, all its neighbors were bound to follow. They didn't. The Containment policy held that Communism should remain contained within the areas where it was dominant around 1949; and that any effort of Communist countries or forces to expand beyond those areas should be forcibly repulsed by the USA. This policy led to US involvement in Cuba (the Bay of Pigs-disaster and the missile crisis), in the Korean war and in the Vietnam war.

President Johnson entered the Vietnam war because he?

LBJ entered Vietnam because he wanted to make sure South Vietnam did not fal to communism. He felt that we were a large enough superpower to overcome Vietnam in a short amount of time. He obviously was wrong.

Related questions

The theory that if one country fell to communism the neighboring countries might also fall?

damino theory

What was the theory that if one country fell to communism the neighboring countries might also fall?

It was known as the "Domino Theory".

What did the domino theory imply?

that if one country fell to communism, the countries around it would fall too

What is the term for the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism so would all of Southeast Asia?

The term for this belief is the "domino theory." It was a Cold War foreign policy concept suggesting that if one country in a region fell to communism, the surrounding countries would also follow suit like a row of tumbling dominos.

What did people call the fear that if one country fell to communism then all countries would fall to communism?

It was called the "Domino Theory".

Belief in the Domino Theory would most likely lead a person to support?

The Domino Theory was a political hypothesis used to justify intervention in the Vietnam War. The theory states that if one country fell to communism, then the surrounding countries would also fall to communism.

What is the significance of the domino theory?

The notion of Domino Theory is when an event in one country c0uld start similar events in neighbouring countries: When you knock over the first one, what will happen to the last one.

What theory stated that if one country fell to communism others around it would too?

I am sorry but we can't answer because we don't know what you were given as a list.

What was related to the domino theory?

Southeast Asian countries

What was closely related to the domino theory?

Southeast Asian countries

What is the Domino?

The domino theory is that if one country falls into communsim, other neighboring countries will fall into communism.

Which theory stated that communists would spread from one country to other neighboring countries?

The theory that communists would spread from one country to neighboring countries is known as the "domino theory." This theory was particularly applied to the fear of communist expansion in Southeast Asia during the Cold War, with the belief that if one country fell to communism, others in the region would follow like a row of falling dominoes.