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Q: What country set up trading posts?
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Where did Champlain set up fur-trading posts?


Where did the Dutch set up trading posts in the Americas?

Hudson River

Many Europeans set up trading posts along the coasts is the prepositional phrase an adjective or adverb?

'Many European set up trading posts along the coasts.' The prepositional phrase is modifying the verb 'set up'. It's an adverbial phrase.

Where did the Dutch set up trading posts in the early 1600's?

The Dutch set up trading posts along the Delaware River during the early 1600s. This location allowed them with the opportunity to provide goods and establish trading capabilities with people arriving from other countries as they entered the colonies.

What three European countries set up trading posts in India?

The European countries which set up trading centers were England, Holland, Portugal France and Denmark.

Who set up fur trading posts?

The Native Americans started the Fur Trade

What was the first European country to set up trading posts and forts in Africa?

The Dutch were one of the very first countries to start to colonize Africa

Where did the Dutch set up trading posts?

The Dutch settled in the Americas around the 1600s. During this time they set up trading posts in places such as Fort Nassau in Albany, New Netherland, New Amsterdam (which became NYC), the Caribbean, and the Antilles.

How did Muslim spread the religion of Islam through trade?

Muslim merchants set up trading posts throughout southeast Asia and taught Islam to people there.

Why did Spain set up trading posts in Africa?

Spain set up trading posts in Africa because they wanted to expand their control and set up a strong import/export business. At the same time Spain was colonizing Africa, Britain and the Dutch were as well. They had both created profitable trade businesses and Spain wanted the same success.

Where did portuguese explorers set up trading post?

Portuguese explorers set up trading posts along the coast of Africa, particularly in West Africa, including areas such as Cape Verde, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, and Angola. They also established trading posts in other parts of the world, such as India, Macau, and Brazil.

Who was the French explorer that led expeditions to set up a series of trading posts to trade fur with the Native Americans?
