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New Jersey is the state that the electric light bulb, radio, telegraph and submarine were all invented at.

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Devon Smith

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2y ago
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14y ago

Sir Joseph Swann of England and Thomas Edison both developed workable electric incandescent lamps during the 1870s. Edison's lamp became the first commercially successful incandescent lamp (circa 1879). Edison received U.S. Patent 223,898 for his incandescent lamp in 1880.

However, contrary to popular belief, Edison did not "invent" the first lightbulb, he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. Canadians Henry Woodward and Matthew Evans patented a light bulb in 1875, but could not raise the financing to commercialize their invention. Edison bought the rights to their patent

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13y ago

There are two possibilities: you pick.

At De la Rue Stationers, London, UK (1820 or 1840): Warren De la Rue placed a platinum coil in an evacuated tube and made it glow, producing a lasting light, by passing electricity through it.

At The Watt Institute in Dundee, Angus, Scotland(probably, but not certainly: his work is not well documented, ca. 1835): James Bowman Lindsay retains a tenuous claim to the invention of the first light bulb., He is thus credited, although he never developed it. See related link for citation.

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16y ago

New Jersey is the state that the electric light bulb, radio, telegraph and submarine were all invented at.

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Can a laser be made from a light bulb?

No. Laser light is coherent. Light bulb light is not.

How was light was made?

A light bulb is made from Ukraine by 2000 workers that die per bulb

When was the commercial light bulb made?

in 1856 Edison made the first light bulb :]

Made a bulb?

There were three people that made the 1st light bulb. The three people that made the light bulb are Thomas Edison, Joseph Swan and Haram Maxim.

How was a light bulb made?

A light bulb is made by creating a glass bulb, evacuating it of air, adding a tungsten filament, sealing the bulb, and then connecting it to a power source to produce light when heated. The process is carefully controlled to ensure the right conditions for generating light efficiently and safely.

Who was the light bulb made by?

The incandescent electric light bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison.

Why did Thomas Edison call it light bulb?

i think because it made light and it was a bulb

What were thomas Edison's inventions that changed people's lives?

thomas Edison made the light bulb that is made with the mineral tungsten

When was electricity used to power the light bulb?

The first electric light bulb was made in 1880

Did albert einstine make the first light bulb?

no Tomas Edison made the light bulb

Is light bulb a compound word?

Yes, "light bulb" is a compound word because it is made up of two separate words, "light" and "bulb", that are combined to create a single noun.

Is a light bulb a conductor?

No, a light bulb is not a conductor. A light bulb is made of materials that act as insulators, such as glass and tungsten. The filament inside the light bulb serves as a resistor to generate light when electricity passes through it.