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Well, honey, the US Supreme Court is the big kahuna of the judicial branch, so it rules over all the other courts in the land. That means it's the boss of the federal court system, including the Court of Appeals and District Courts. So, if you've got a bone to pick with the law, you better hope it's in their favor, darling.

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16y ago

Decisions of the US Supreme Court affect the rulings and procedures of EVERY other court in the country, right down to the municipal level.

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Q: What courts does the US Supreme Court rule over?
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Can supreme courts rule over intermediate appellate courts?

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A United States Supreme Court decision is mandatory on all lower federal courts. That includes federal courts of appeal and federal district courts.

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U.S. courts of appealThe actual answer to your question is none. No-one repeals decision of any courts. However, decisions of courts can be reversed. The Federal Courts of Appeals can reverse decisions of federal district courts. That's it.Added: And the US Supreme Court can over-rule the decision of ANY inferior court.

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According to the Supreme Court Rules, Rule 10, the most important source is the US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts.

Which courts can repeal decisions made in Federal district courts?

U.S. courts of appealThe actual answer to your question is none. No-one repeals decision of any courts. However, decisions of courts can be reversed. The Federal Courts of Appeals can reverse decisions of federal district courts. That's it.Added: And the US Supreme Court can over-rule the decision of ANY inferior court.

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other courts use the decision as a guideline when they rule on similar cases

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so the few can over rule the majority .

Who can rule that federal laws are unconstitutional?

(Supreme Court)

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Federal District Courts, Courts of Appeals and even Bankruptcy Courts have all ruled on the issue of same-sex marriage. All that remains is the US Supreme Court. This is scheduled to happen by the end of June 2013.

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According to Supreme Court Rule 10, cases involving constitutional issues that conflict with established precedents or unresolved federal questions in which two or more US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts (Circuit splits) or state supreme courts have made contradictory decisions take highest priority.

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