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Treason against the English monarchy.

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Q: What crime were the 56 delegates committing when they signed the declaration of independence?
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The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1787?

The Declaration of Independence was passed in July of 1776 and various delegates signed over the course of several years. The Constitution of the United States was signed in 1787.

Which two delegates signed the Declaration of Independence but not the US Constitution?

56 56

When was the declaration of independence unanimously approved?

Yes, it was and all the delegates present signed it.

Who signed the dacleration of independence?

The United States Declaration of Independence was signed by fifty-six delegates to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

What personal risk did the people who signed the declaration of independence take?

To be hung by committing treason.

What crime did the delegates of the second continental congress commit when they signed the declaration of independence?


What date was the Declaration of Independence signed on?

On July 4, 1776, John Hancock and Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress, signed the first copy. Later Congress directed the Declaration be engrossed and signed by all delegates. Most of the delgates whose names are on the Declaration signed it on August 2, 1776. A few delegates signed on later days.

Who made the term founding fathers?

the Declaration of Independence (who signed the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776) and the Framers of the Constitution (who were delegates to the Constitutional Convention

What day was the Declaration of Independence signed by the representatives from the 13 states?

what day did the delegates sign the declaration of independence

Of the original 13 colonies how many actually signed the declaration of independence?

All 13 colonies had delegates who signed the document.

What city was the declaration of independence signed in?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the Second Continental Congress was meeting in 1776.

What are the signers of the declaration of independence called?

"Founders" is the general term for the people who signed the Declaration of Independence.