the house Un-American activities committee film produced avoided making movies about controversial subject.
People who refused to answer the questions of the House Un-American Activities Committee could be blacklisted, charged with contempt of Congress, lose their jobs, and be labeled as Anti-American.
People who refused to answer the questions of the House Un-American Activities Committee could be blacklisted, charged with contempt of Congress, lose their jobs, and be labeled as Anti-American.
HUAC or the Committee on Un-American Activities
They used the House Un-American Activities Committee.
being communist sympathers
Un-American Activities Committee
House Un-American Activities Committee ended in 1975.
House Un-American Activities Committee
HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee
Because of the House Un-American Activities Committee, film producers avoided making movies about controversial subjects.
The House Committee on Un-American Activities was founded in 1938. Its original purpose was to uncover US citizens who had ties with the Nazis.
The House Committee on Un-American Activities was founded in 1938. Its original purpose was to uncover US citizens who had ties with the Nazis.
The HUAC is the House Committee on Un-American Activities. This is a committee found in the United States of America.
HUAC was the House Un-American Activities Committee.
investigated radical organizations
Human Un-American Activities Committee: congressional committee that investigated possible subversive activities within the United States: to investigate possible subversives activities by Fascists, Nazis, or communists
People who refused to answer the questions of the House Un-American Activities Committee could be blacklisted, charged with contempt of Congress, lose their jobs, and be labeled as Anti-American.