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Q: What crop does the government of Columbia want to export less of?
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Which crop dose Colombia want to export less of?

the illegal coca plant that is used to make the dangerouse drug cocaine.

Why is there increasing food price inflation situation in India?

Inflation is a market situation when the price of a commodity increase due to the economic laws of demand and supply. There are numerous determinants for inflation. Some of the reasons for such a situation could be increase in population ,more demand of food, less productivity of food crop, export of food crop, hoarding by marketeers, devaluation of Rupee , government policies including the monetary & fiscal policies.

What crop might be scarce?

An extended period of bad weather may cause a food crop to rot in the fields. This could mean that a crop, if over a large area, would become a scarcity locally. If a crop is scarce, the price in the shop is likely to rise. The other extreme is when a glut means the price will drop. Nowadays, with export and import of food produce from many foreign counties, scarcity of a single item has less effect.

When was Work Less Party of British Columbia created?

Work Less Party of British Columbia was created on 2003-07-07.

Why would farmers plant a crop that provides less economic value?

Farmer's would plant a crop with less economic value after a crop with high economic value, because it would renew the soils nutrients/nitrogen for the high economic crop for the next year.

Why does young crop take in less carbon dioxide?

The young crop has less leaf area and less chlorophyll than older crops. The leaves take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and use it to make carbohydrates.

An example of price floor in Pakistan?

Government of Pakistan always set a minimum price level of wheat to support the farmers from disheartening. Means that if the farmer is getting less price for its wheat crop in the open market. He may sell his wheat to government of Pakistan at a high price which set by the government.

Would you need to use more insecticides in monoculture?

Insecticides are dependent on crop yield. Monocultures have a greater crop yield, and use less land to produce any amount of crop.

Why would you need to use more insecticides in monoculture?

Insecticides are dependent on crop yield. Monocultures have a greater crop yield, and use less land to produce any amount of crop.

Which of theses did Thomas Jefferson consider most important in the new republic?

A less powerful central government Representative government - APEX

What is the effect of summer season on the farmers?

.less crop production .less in come to farmer .farmer hit very badly

What is it called when a farmer plants different crops in order to use less nutrients or different nutrients from the soil?

Crop rotation. If you plant the same crop year-after-year. That crop will use up all the nutrients specific to the needs of the plant. Crop rotation involves planting a different crop each year - thus the nutrients in the soil are more evenly used.