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Republicans appeal to baby boomers, white people in the working class and corporate business owners. They are often mainline Christian, do not like the idea of government intervention and hold the position that corporations are the "job creators". They mainly work to improve the living of those who have power and wealth.

Democrats appeal to middle class people, those in poverty and people who seek more government aid to help those struggling in difficult situations. They are often against corporate wealth and favor progressive policies such as higher taxation, more government regulation and making changes to our system as the culture needs it.

Libertarians appeal to the disaffected as well as independents and often take a strong stance against government intervention, often coming from the argument that pure free markets lead to a better society for everyone. They favor ideas of volunteerism and are often non religious, favoring progressive social views.

Green Party is fairly similiar to the Democrats, but take more extreme views on environmental ethics such as moving away from carbon based fuels and instead having more energy dependence on natural energies such as wind and solar.

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Q: What demographic or interest groups do the Republican Democratic Green and Libertatian parties try to appeal to?
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