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Outlawing the Black Codes Passing the First Reconstruction Act Passing the Civil Rights Act

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Q: What did Congress want during Reconstruction that Andrew Johnson opposed?
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Why did congress want during reconstruction that Andrew Johnson opposed?

outlawing the black codes

Which did Congress want during Reconstruction that Andrew Johnson opposed?

Passing the Civil Rights act.

Why did some Americans opposed president Johnson's reconstruction plan?

Republican US Congress rejected Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction Plan because it made too many concessions for former slave owners.

Why was the impeachment of Andrew Johnson important in the reconstruction era?

The failure to impeach Andrew Johnson showed that Congress cannot remove the president due to policy disagreements. This would give Congress toomuch power. - Andrew

Why did Republicans in Congress dislike Johnson's Reconstruction plan?

Because Andrew Johnson wanted easy terms for the south but the congress wanted to punish the south.

Why did republicans in congress attempt to impeach president Andrew Johnson?

they disagreed over plans for reconstruction.

What statement best describes the relationship between a the republican congress and president Andrew Johnson during reconstruction?

They did not share the same goals on reconstruction

What government office was in charge of reconstruction after the civil war?

Congress was in charge of Reconstruction after the Civil War. Andrew Johnson also played a big role in Reconstruction as well.

What president vetoed the Reconstruction acts and the fourteenth amendment?

Andrew Johnson

Which statement best describes the relationship between the republican congress and president andrew johnson during reconstruction?

They did not share the same goals on Reconstruction

Why did Andrew johnsons reconstruction policies lead to his impeachment?

Johnson's policies went against the wishes and plans of Congress.

5 Why did Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction policies lead to his impeachment?

Johnson's policies went against the wishes and plans of Congress. have fun on study island (: