

What did FERA do?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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FERA is also known as the Federal Emergency Relief Administration that was created by Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. This Administration was responsible for providing work opportunities and food to the people under the New Deal.

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Q: What did FERA do?
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Does FERA still exist today?

FERA stands for Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and it was another program that was part of Roosevelt's New Deal during the Great Depression in the US. It was established as a result of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933. FERA does not exist today because it was terminated in 1935, and its work was taken over by the WPA (Works Progress Administration) and the Social Security Board.

What did the FERA do?

The Federal Emergency Relief Administration The Roosevelt Administration re-named this program as a direct relief operation under the new deal. First started by Herbert Hoover and the U.S. Congress in 1932 as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, it was a form of what is now known as unemployment insurance.

'the new deal was not a complete success' explain how far you argee with this?

The New Deal was a great success in that it improved the federal government's role in economic affairs. It was not at all radical, but rather made programs designed for relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal made many plans to fix the banking system, provide jobs (Civilian Conservation Corps), and provided for welfare (Social Security). The New Deal didn't completely solve the problems that America faced after the depression, however, it did solve a few of the problems, for example unemployment was rapidly reduced during the 1930's, for around 3 million young men under the age of 25, the CCC provided their first experience of work. Some people from the government might not have agreed that the New deal was a success because they may have thought President Roosevelt was trying to do too much and not everything he said he would do succeeded. However, many of the items that were worst off, for example unemployment was targeted and many people were able to stay in jobs. Although, many of the jobs that were given were classed as 'forced labour'. The aim of reform was to try and prevent the Wall Street Crash form 
ever happening again. Reform was to do with Roosevelt's Second New 
Deal. By 1936 over 3.5 million people were employed in various divisions of 
the WPA like the CCC, the NYA and the PWA. These 
Alphabet agencies can be used to show that the New Deal was a success 
as they helped millions of unemployed people find work and also earn 
money to buy food. 
 The main aims of relief were to help the homeless as well as the 
unemployed people in America. Some alphabet agencies that were to do 
with relief were the CWA, the FERA, the HOLC and the CCC. 

The CWA provided work for the unemployed 
like the WPA; the CWA found the unemployed work and paid wages for 
doing it. People working for the CWA built schools, roads and airports 
this was also to do with recovery. I think that this was a successful 
agency because it found homeless and unemployed people work, then paid them, which would help the homeless and unemployed people 
to gain an income so they could buy houses and food. 
 The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) gave money to help unemployed and homeless people. The Government gave 
each state one dollar for every three the state spent on the relief of 
poverty. This encouraged sates to help the homeless and unemployed 
people living in the state. I also think that this was a successful 
part of the New Deal as it encouraged states to help the homeless and 
unemployed people, this help would then cause the number of homeless 
and unemployed in each state to decrease, as the local governments 
would try to help the homeless and unemployed just to get money from 
the government. 

The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) used Federal money to pay of 
mortgages so that home owners did not lose their homes. This is also 
another agency that I think was a successful part of the New Deal 
because it stopped even more people from becoming homeless, because 
the government was willing to pay off the loans that people had to pay 
on their homes, therefore this could decrease the number of homeless 
and unemployed people in America In conclusion I think that the New Deal was neither a complete success 
nor a complete failure because it did help many Americans regain jobs 
and wages, but it also failed in some parts because some of the 
alphabet agencies that President Roosevelt created to combat the problem of the 
depression were declared unconstitutional which means they were 'Not 
in keeping with the basic principles or laws set forth in the 
constitution of a state or country, especially the Constitution of the 
United States.'

'the new deal was not a complete success' explain how far you agree with this statement?

The New Deal was a great success in that it improved the federal government's role in economic affairs. It was not at all radical, but rather made programs designed for relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal made many plans to fix the banking system, provide jobs (Civilian Conservation Corps), and provided for welfare (Social Security). The New Deal didn't completely solve the problems that America faced after the depression, however, it did solve a few of the problems, for example unemployment was rapidly reduced during the 1930's, for around 3 million young men under the age of 25, the CCC provided their first experience of work. Some people from the government might not have agreed that the New deal was a success because they may have thought President Roosevelt was trying to do too much and not everything he said he would do succeeded. However, many of the items that were worst off, for example unemployment was targeted and many people were able to stay in jobs. Although, many of the jobs that were given were classed as ‘forced labour’. The aim of reform was to try and prevent the Wall Street Crash form 
ever happening again. Reform was to do with Roosevelt’s Second New 
Deal. By 1936 over 3.5 million people were employed in various divisions of 
the WPA like the CCC, the NYA and the PWA. These 
Alphabet agencies can be used to show that the New Deal was a success 
as they helped millions of unemployed people find work and also earn 
money to buy food. 
 The main aims of relief were to help the homeless as well as the 
unemployed people in America. Some alphabet agencies that were to do 
with relief were the CWA, the FERA, the HOLC and the CCC. 

The CWA provided work for the unemployed 
like the WPA; the CWA found the unemployed work and paid wages for 
doing it. People working for the CWA built schools, roads and airports 
this was also to do with recovery. I think that this was a successful 
agency because it found homeless and unemployed people work, then paid them, which would help the homeless and unemployed people 
to gain an income so they could buy houses and food. 
 The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) gave money to help unemployed and homeless people. The Government gave 
each state one dollar for every three the state spent on the relief of 
poverty. This encouraged sates to help the homeless and unemployed 
people living in the state. I also think that this was a successful 
part of the New Deal as it encouraged states to help the homeless and 
unemployed people, this help would then cause the number of homeless 
and unemployed in each state to decrease, as the local governments 
would try to help the homeless and unemployed just to get money from 
the government. 

The Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) used Federal money to pay of 
mortgages so that home owners did not lose their homes. This is also 
another agency that I think was a successful part of the New Deal 
because it stopped even more people from becoming homeless, because 
the government was willing to pay off the loans that people had to pay 
on their homes, therefore this could decrease the number of homeless 
and unemployed people in America In conclusion I think that the New Deal was neither a complete success 
nor a complete failure because it did help many Americans regain jobs 
and wages, but it also failed in some parts because some of the 
alphabet agencies that President Roosevelt created to combat the problem of the 
depression were declared unconstitutional which means they were ‘Not 
in keeping with the basic principles or laws set forth in the 
constitution of a state or country, especially the Constitution of the 
United States.’

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Is the fera still placed today?

Coregonus fera, is a type of fresh water fish which is presumed extinct (this is disputed by some). The fish was endemic to Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and was still around in 1950, but unable to be found by 1958. Some fish of the Coregonus genus are referred to as fera, but they are not true fera.

When was Matthew Sharp Fera born?

Matthew Sharp Fera was born on August 10, 1970, in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.