Faced with the threat of more and more communist revolutions in Asia, President John F. Kennedy decided that instead of immediately unleashing the barrage of American nuclear forces on every little skirmish, the war would be fought according to scale. Flexible response called for a counter to Soviet attacks and not a first strike. It had three stages containing direct response, deliberate escalation, and finally general nuclear response.
Kennedy implemented this during the Laotian civil war, in which communists teemed about ready to take hold of the nation. Instead of unleashing the Eisenhower method of massive retaliation, he created the super-trained division of the American military--the Green Berets. They would be responsible for fighting in guerilla warfare instead of wastefully dumping nuclear bombs on the tiny country.
Emergency Operation Plan
The New Jersey Plan was first introduced for the first time on June 15, 1787.The New Jersey Plan was created as a response to the Virginia Plan.
a written plan for a representative form of government
The district plan is a plan in which people in authority choose elected officials. A proportional plan is where votes are given in direct relation to the number of people who voted.
Virginia plan
Flexible response.
Call them and ask about it.
Fleet Readiness Plan
incident response planning
Plans that are flexible and that set out general guidelines
It is a plan that allows for adaption and innovation in response to changing circumstances
Incident Management
I'd plan to do physics. What I'd actually end up doing is ... a little more flexible.
Each HMO plan is different. Most are less flexible then PPO plans and have certain restrictions on them.