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Q: What did Walter flemming identify during cell division?
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What did Walter identify during cell division?


What did walter fleming identify during cell divison?

Walter Fleming identified and described structures within cells that he called chromatin and mitotic spindle during cell division. He observed these structures under the microscope and their role in the process of cell division, particularly in the separation of chromosomes.

What did Walter Fleming identify during cell divisions?


Who coined the term chromatin?

The term "chromatin" was coined by the German anatomist Walther Flemming in 1882 to describe the combination of DNA and proteins found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, which is visible during cell division under a microscope.

What did Walter Fleming discover mitosis with?

Walter Fleming discovered mitosis while studying cell division in salamander embryos, particularly in newt cells. He observed the process of chromosomes condensing, aligning at the equator of the cell, and then segregating into two daughter cells during cell division.

Who coined the term chromosome?

The term "chromosome" was coined by German scientist Walther Flemming in 1882 to describe the thread-like structures observed in the nucleus of cells that become visible during cell division. Flemming's work laid the foundation for the field of cytogenetics.

When was Robert F flemming born?

Robert F. Flemming, Jr. was an African-American inventor and Union sailor in the American Civil War. He was born a free black man in Baltimore, Maryland during July of 1839 where he lived with his father, Robert F. Flemming Sr., a baker, and his mother, Mary J. Flemming.

What plays a role in cell division?

Nuclear division plays a role in cell division.

At what phase does a spindle develop during cell division?

A spindle develops during the metaphase stage of cell division.

Is chromatin condensed during cell division?

Yes, chromatin is condensed during cell division to form distinct chromosomes.

How often is DNA copied during the process of cell division?

DNA is copied once during the process of cell division.

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