The Europeans got some new colonies and the early Americans got some new exciting diseases ...
potatoes especially supplied many essential vitamins and minerals. Tomates, squash, pineapples, tobacco, and cacao beans were carred west across the Atlantic also.
In the 1700s, more slaves from West Africa were sent to the Caribbean than to South America. In the 1800s, about the same amount of slaves were sent from West Africa to both places.
He was the first to fly across the Atlantic. This was a big deal and his plane was basically lightweight wood and thin skin. It was a very dangerous flight and he became a hero.
The Age of discovery, the first Global Economy, the Global Exchange, the Columbian Exchange (most commonly used), the Exploration to the New World, Columbus's Journey (at least that's what my class and I refer to it as!) Hope that helps!
The trip was to see if he could go to eastern Asia by traveling west across the Atlantic Ocean.
5 years
King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella of Spain
To find a quick route to Asia, but he landed in North America instead, but thought it was India. Columbus didn't like the Native Americans that lived on the land, so he took them as slaves, killed them,and sexually assaulted them.
Christopher Columbus
On his voyages to find a route to Asia he crossed the Atlantic Ocean
Christopher Columbus.
Columbus sailed across the Atlantic ocean. He was expected to sail to Asia, but he landed in America.
the ocean of oceans but of oceans of lakes from rivers with monters in them with lake ontario............. atlantic
The columbian exchange
Christopher Columbus.