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They believed that the U.S. Constitution was needed first so that they are not attacked by other contries.

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Q: What did fedralists believe?
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What are beliefs of anti-fedralists?

Anti-federalists believed in a weak federal government and that states should have more power in making laws. They also did not believe in a national bank because it would not help the farmer.

What are beliefs of anti fedralists?

Anti-federalists believed in a weak federal government and that states should have more power in making laws. They also did not believe in a national bank because it would not help the farmer.

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Patrick Henry.

Four influential Fedralists?

George Washiton, James Maddison, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams

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The Bill of Rights. Next time use your textbook :P

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George Clinton was actually a democratic republican which is the opposite party from fedralists, so he was more antifederalist. He worked with Thomas Jefferson

Which Article has allowed it to be an up-to-date document?

The Bill of Rights is an up-to-date document because it was added to the Constituion to please Antifedralits because let alone Fedralists were already pleased with it.Thankyou for reading[:

What is the difference of I believe in you and I believe you?

i believe you means i believe you are telling the truth, and i believe IN you means that you believe someone can do something

What is believe in Latin?

Credere (To believe): Credo - I believe. Credes - You believe. Credet - He/she/it believes. Credemus - We believe. Credetis - You (plural) believe. Credent - They believe.