The Levellers demanded that all citizens should have a voice in government.
Censorship had become a fixture of society in the period before that, during the so-called English Commonwealth period under Oliver Cromwell. Puritans had gained the upper hand politically and kept a close watch over observance of all the things they had forbidden. During the Restoration period when Charles II had become king censorship was on the contrary relaxed, although it never completely disappeared.
l know
Albert Jacka was the first Australian to be decorated with the Victoria Cross during the WWI. The Victoria Cross is the highest decoration for gallantry "in the face of the enemy" that can be awarded to members of the British and Commonwealth armed forces.
a colonial legislature and a royal governor.
Captain John Paul Jones is the man credited for bravely fighting the English Navy during the American Revolution. He is known as the father of the United States Navy today.
The Levellers were a political movement, developed during the English Civil War, that felt strongly that religious tolerance and equality were important issues. As such, Levellers in the 1650s disliked many aspects of how the country was run, especially those laws that persecuted minorities.
During the English Civil War, the Levellers were a political movement that rallied for popular sovereignty and equal treatment for all before the law. They founded a newspaper called â??The Moderateâ?? and were pioneers in the use of pamphlets and petitions to push agendas.
Land of Hope and Glory.
The English Revolution is also known as the English Civil War, or Commonwealth period. King Charles I was challenged during this time, which lasted from 1640 to 1660.
The English Revolution is also known as the English Civil War, or Commonwealth period. King Charles I was challenged during this time, which lasted from 1640 to 1660.
They were a group of radicals during the time of the English Civil War. They believed in a democratic society and very much supported the execution of the King (Charles I). They were on the Parliamentarian side and supported Oliver Cromwell for a certain amount of time. They wanted Parliament to be voted in every two years and for the monarchy to be abolished.
the commonwealth
During the Commonwealth era in the Philippines (1935-1946), the educational system was reformed and modernized. The government focused on expanding public education and promoting English as the medium of instruction. The establishment of the National Language Institute and emphasis on vocational and technical education were also key features of the educational system during this period.
The Commonwealth of Nations is largely made up of the nations that were part of the British Empire during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The US ceased to be part of the English Empire in the 18th century and was well enough established when the Commonwealth was created that it saw not reason to seek to join it.
Queen Elizabeth II.