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The promise of freedom to any able bodied male slave who enlisted in the cause of restoring royal athority

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

It offered freedom to slaves who fought for the King (Virginia in the 1770s)

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Q: What did lord dunmore's proclamation say?
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How did Lord Dunmores 1775 Proclamation influence the Congress to declare independence?

Lord Dunmores 1775 Proclamation influence congress to declare Independence by releasing slaves who then joined his army. This upset the colonists who saw this as an a way to undermine their control

Who was Lord Dunmores Proclamation addressed to?

it made slaves free from workind from the kingness because he was always hungry

What did Lord Dunmore do?

Lord Dunmore's Proclamation was the first emancipation of slaves in the history of America.Lord Dunmore's Proclamation was the first emancipation of slaves in the history of America.

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praising the lord what do you think

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"Glory to you O Lord."

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the proclamation of the kingdom of god does because the bible important say why.

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How did Lord Dun mores 1775 Proclamation influence the Congress to declare independence?

Lord Dunsmores 1775 Proclamation may have indirectly influenced Congress to declare independence by causing fear of a slave uprising because he offered slaves freedom if they would fight for the crown.

Do the Jews say a prayer called shema?

The central proclamation of Judaism is the Shema. It translates as "Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is one!" Some would quibble that it is not technically a prayer, but a proclamation. The full Shema is this, followed by three paragraphs of text, all quotations from the Deuteronomy. None of them are in the form of prayers, rather, they are a very short statement of obligations. In a sense, by repeating them daily, Jews bind themselves to the covenant.

Did Lincoln say the emancipation proclamation in Washington dc?

Lincoln signed the proclamation while he was in Washington, yes. Even though it was called a "proclamation", Lincoln himself did not have to read it out loud.