A Lord was usually the one who ruled the castle in medieval times but when the lord is absent for some reason that's when the lady comes in help she is the one who looks over the castle if the lord is absent
Manage and defend land and laborors
Appointed officials
Acted as judges in manor courts
Fought for their higher-ranking lords OR supplied knights
Hold fiefs and inherit land
Ran estates
Sat as judges
Raised Children and training them and others
Overseeing duties
Some households had hundreds of people
Enjoyed hunting with birds, feasting and dancing, Board Games, reading
A lord is a noble. Nobility is a social status while Lord is a rank in nobility.
The settlers had various obligations to their seigneurs or lords. They were expected to work and also pay rent to the lords for occupancy.
Lords ruled pieces of land given to them by kings in exchange for promises of support.
Well, there are lots of Lords. There's the Dark Lords, you know, Lord Voldemort, Lord Vader, Lord Sugar, Lord Morgoth, Lord Sauron, Lord Palpetine, Lord Sidious. But that's about it.
The system of rule by lords under a king was called feudalism. This was often a very corrupt form of government, as the lords were not really regulated by the king.
The lords and ladies were members of a group that own serfs ( same thing as a peasant) they can tell the serfs what to do
Lords had to watch over the peasants, ladies had to cook and clean, knights had to protect the lords and peasants had to work for the lords.
Upper ClassNobilityRoyalGentryAristocrats
5 on the pyramid
They were to keep an eye out for the king. The lords and ladies hired knights and gave money to the king when needed.
Another name for the flowering woodland plant known as Cuckoo Pint is Arum Lily.
Lords and Ladies
lords,ladies,kings,cooks and maybe serfs
yes they did live in castles and also manors
Yes, there were medieval female lords. However, they never used the term, 'lords' for women. Instead, they referred to these female lords as 'ladies.'
There aren't currently any Green Party Lords or Ladies in the upper chamber. Plaid Cymru's colours are green, and have 2 members in the House of Lords.