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Basically the same thing we do. The scale was much different. Money is the means by which people aquire things which they haven't the resources to obtain by conventional means. For example, before money people lived in a very small world. So small that all needs were met by Natural Resources at hand. Once the world began to open up, through travel and trade people were exposed to items not available witin their "world". Travel was dangerous and not commonplace so the simple answer was to provide others with those resources to which you had access, and they didn't. The next simplification was to remove subjective resources and replace them with a product valuable everywhere. Gold, Silver, Copper etc.

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11y ago

Money is money. In the past when you could buy a candy bar or coke for .5 cents, the average person was only making $4,500 per year. So that 5 cents was equal to .38 cents in todays money. It may appear that things were cheaper back then and some things for sure were but some things were also far more expensive. Any electronic item was very expensive in the past. When you adjust the prices of items in the past to the price today and figure in inflation not much has changed. Even the price of gasoline which was around 30 cents in 1962 would be $2.31 in todays money. But a color TV in 1962 sold for $400 which is $3,079 in 2013 money. Overall things were cheaper at that time but life was slower and there were far less consumers.

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16y ago

people traded things like beads or other goods like food or tea and stuff like that

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