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There was a fear among the Anti-Federalists that the central government would have too much power. They also feared that state sovereignty was in jeopardy.

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A strong federal government

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Q: What did some people fear might happen if a Bill of Rights was not added to the Constitution?
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What do you think people were afraid might happen if the Bill of Rights wasn't added to the Constitution?

Total chaos, thats what they were afraid of.

What did people want to be added to the constitution?

bill of rights :)

What was added to the Constitution that explained the rights of the people?

Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments.

What is the Bill of Rights and why was it added to the constitution?

the bill of rights is a document made to protect the rights of people of the U.S.A

Why were the bill of rights were added to the constitution?

It was because James Madison wanted to make a bill of rights and the legislaters put it in the Constitution to reflect the rights of the people.

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution after the constitution convention had finished its work?

to give the people there right

What was added to the constitution that listed right not already in the Constitution?

Bill of Rights

Was the Constitution written before the Bill of Rights?

Yes it was. The Constitution was written and then the Bill of Rights was added as sort of a compramise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalsits. Many said that the original Constitution did not protect the people's natural rights, so the Bill of Rights was added to it.

What was added to protect the rights of people?

The first 10 amendments to the constitution known as "the bill of rights"

Why was the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution?

To guarantee that the national government would not violate the rights of the people

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution prior to the radification?

Some states or people (like Virginia's Patrick Henry) thought that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual citizens' rights. Therefore, a Bill of Rights was added so more states would ratify the Constitution, and the American people were afforded more protection than with the Constitution alone. The Bill of Rights added a significant number of rights and privileges not given to citizens under the Constitution alone.

What were the controversies over the ratification of the constitution?

The people at the time felt that the Constitution did not fully protect the rights of the people. People were afraid that the national Government would violate their rights, and only passed the Constitution on the condition that a Bill of Rights be added right after.