

What did the Hupa trade?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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minerals,soapstone,tar and acorn

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Q: What did the Hupa trade?
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Who did Hupa trade with?

They traded with the Yurok tribe

what did the hupa tribe trade for?

The Hupa traded acorns and other goods for canoes the Yurok made from red cedar. The region that the Hupa lived in was more plentiful with acorns than the Yuroks territory (Wallace). They also shared their style of housing

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the hupa were good at weaving baskets

What transportation did Hupa use?

The Hupa used canoes for transportation.

Did the Hupa live in the desert?

No, the Hupa Indians were not a desert tribe.

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hupa valley reservation was the largest reservation

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What did the hupa Indians trade?

The Hupa Indians were known to trade items such as obsidian, dentalium shells, acorns, and various types of furs. They also traded with other Native American groups for goods such as baskets, salt, and dried meats. Trading was an important part of their economy and social interactions.

How did the Hupa communicate?

Hupa is the language spoken by the Native American Hupa people. It is an Athabaskan language found in the Hoopa Valley of Northwest California.

What has the author Alice Pratt written?

Alice Pratt has written: 'Ya:na:'a'awh' -- subject(s): Folk songs, Hupa, Hupa Folk songs, Hupa Indians, Hupa language, Juvenile literature, Rites and ceremonies