The US Supreme Court declared segregation on intrastate buses unconstitutional in Browder v. Gayle, 352 US 903 (1956). This ruling ended the 381-day Montgomery bus boycott lead by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King JrMartin Luther King Jr.Her estate was actually left to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Foundation and later given to the NAACP when he died.
Ugh.....martin Luther king jr DID NOT abolish slavery. There was no more slavery by the time he was born. he helped abolish SEGREGATION!! MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, ABRAHAM LINCOLN MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, ABRAHAM LINCOLN
daniel shays went to jail because he wanted to shoot martain luther king jr. and tried to sneek into the white house to get an otergrah from michelle obama
martin Luther king jr
How did the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr effect peoples political beliefs
in front of the Lincoln Memorial
Luther Campbell
The Montgomery bus boycott, organized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other Montgomery, Alabama clergy, may have influenced the US Supreme Court to review the case of Browder v. Gayle,(1956) and declare segregation in public transportation unconstitutional. The boycott, which was originally supposed to be a one-day protest of Rosa Parks' arrest for refusing to give her seat to a white man, lasted until the US Supreme Court ruled on the issue, 381 days later.Case Citation:Browder v. Gayle, 352 U.S. 903 (1956)For more information, see Related Questions and Related Links, below.
Kimeyatta A Shaw was born at 10:52 am in Chicago, Il. to Donald R Johnson and Janice Shaw
no he didnt only Malcolm X did.
Because Martin Luther is Martin Luther
Emperor Charles V declared Martin Luther an outlaw at the Diet of Worms in 1521.
The pope excommunicated Luther because his teachings were heretical.
Rosa parks worked for the supreme court justice league
The Montgomery bus boycott began on December 5, 1955 and ended 381 days later on December 20, 1956, after the US Supreme Court declared segregated busing unconstitutional in Browder v. Gayle, (1956).Martin Luther King, Jr., led the boycott with the assistance of the NAACP and many church pastors.