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Well it would help if some 1 put something down so i know wht 2 do for my homework!!!!!!!!!


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It offered free land for farming

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Q: What did the US government do in the 1860s to encourage settlers to develop the great plains?
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How did the government respond when westbound settlers asked the government for protection from the Plains Indians?

The American attitude was that Americans had the right to fill the continent. When the Native Indian Americans were a threat to the settlers moving in, the US government made treaties with groups like the Plains Indians, or strong-armed them into moving out of the areas designated for white settlers.

What action did the government take to encourage farming in the great plains in the 1800's?

you tell me

Who were the first Ukrainian settlers in the interior plains?

the first ukrainian settlers in the interior plains were NOBODY!

Why did the US government encourage settlement on the Great Plains?

Why did the US government encourage settlement on the Great Plains?

What initiated the conflict between the Plains Indians and the American settlers?

There were many different reasons why there was conflict between the settlers and the government. First of all, and probably the most vital reason, was that both

Why did settlers move to the Great Plains after 1862?

During and after the Civil War, the Unites States government encouraged farmer to move west.

Why did settlers move to Great Plains after 1862?

During and after the Civil War, the Unites States government encouraged farmer to move west.

What did the settlers needed as supplies in the coastal plains?

the settlers needed clothing

When did settlers head for the great plains?


Who move to the plains to tame the land?


Which major event brought many settlers to the Great Plains states?

The passage of the Homestead Acts led many settlers to the Great Plains states. These acts gave ownership of land to settlers at little to no cost.

When did the settlers go to the great plains?

they came in the 1850s