

What did the loyalists do?

Updated: 8/18/2023
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8y ago

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They do is that they say it is fair to listen to King George 3 and obey the Britain governments. They do is that they say it is fair to listen to King George 3 and obey the Britain governments.

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16y ago
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8y ago

Loyalist spied on the Patriots, then informed the British Troops (a.k.a The Redcoats) just so the British Troops would be a step ahead.
Loyalist are people that are loyal to Britain and they follow Britain's laws. Loyalist never fight against Britain.

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6y ago

A person who wanted the colonies to remain part of the British Empire

The word loyalist means that American colonist the have stayed loyal to the British. This was during the Revolutionary War.

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9y ago

The loyalists in colonial America were those who were against the American Revolution War. They were faithful to the British Crown and Empire.

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12y ago

they had to either leave America or support the revolution.

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12y ago

citizens of the colonies who wanted to remain part of England during the revolutionary war. also called tories.

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the king

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Loyalists were people who were loyal to the King and didn't find a reason to fight for independence. 20% of colonists were loyalists. Their nicknames were tories, royalists, and king's men. Some loyalists were killed by patriots.

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They are called loyalists for a reason. They were loyal to the king.

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Commonly referred to as Loyalists or "Tories".

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Hamilton defended the Loyalists as a matter of personal principle. He believed that the persecution of Loyalists was in clear violation of the Treaty of Paris, and that it would weaken the character of the country. He therefore saw defending the Loyalists as worthwhile.

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