The populist supported ; unlimited minting for silver, an increased circulation of money, government owned communications and transportation's systems, and a eight- hour work day. They also sought to unite African American and white farmers. Their President William Jennings B. won most of the western and southern states but lost the election.
The populist supported ; unlimited minting for silver, an increased circulation of money, government owned communications and transportation's systems, and a eight- hour work day. They also sought to unite African American and white farmers. Their President William Jennings B. won most of the western and southern states but lost the election.
Democrats and William Jennings Bryan
James B. Weaver
Populists did not support the political and economic elites, whom they believed were exploiting and oppressing the common people. They also typically did not support free trade and globalization, as they felt it benefited corporations and wealthy individuals at the expense of the working class. Finally, many populists were against immigration, seeing it as a threat to jobs and social cohesion.
Southern farmers Populists Southern whites
The populists failed to receive support from urban workers because their focus was on helping small-scale farmers. The party was founded via the merger of the Farmer's Alliance and the Knights of Labor in 1892. They wanted to ensure stability for farmers by opposing large-scale commercial agriculture that they believed would surely put them out of work. These ideals were not what urban workers were bothered with at the time.
They wanted the government to create a graduated income tax.
Bimetallism and fair food prices
Bimetallism and fair food prices
He supported many Populists policies
No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.No. See related question link. The Populists were anti- corporations.
Its support for coining silver.
they wanted the government to create a graduated income tax
Bryan supported many populist reforms
The populists were speaking to the people. There were some people that were not fond of the ideals of the two main parties so there had to be a change.