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He was a planter and landowner, surveyor and distiller, and military officer

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Q: What different types of jobs did George Washington have?
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What jobs did George Washington have before he became president?

Before George Washington was President he was the top general in the Continental Army. George Washington was a farmer and surveyor.

What man gained political support by providing jobs and services to both immigrants and African Americans?

george washington plunkitt

What caused the march on Washington?

the march on Washington was caused because blacks didnt have jobs so it was to demand more jobs for blaks in the defense of industries

Jobs of George Washington?

George Washington was the manager of his wife's tobacco plantation and a Colonel in the Virginia Militia at the start of the war. He had been a surveyor who helped to explore and map much of the Ohio River Valley in his early years. Early in the war, Congress appointed him the commander of the Continental Army, which he lead throughout the war. With the failure of the Articles of Confederation, he presided over the Constitutional Convention that wrote the Constitution of the United States. He was also the Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge of the United States of America. He was then elected the first President of the United States, serving two terms before returning to manage his wife's plantation some twenty-two years after he left to accept command of the colonial forces.

What jobs did George Washington have?

When George was 13 he found his grandfathers surveying tools and became a surveyor. Three years later he got into a surveying expedition and one year later when George was 17 he became a professional surveyor. In 1752 when he was 21 George got into the British military. He was appointed Major in the British Army. In 1753 George carried a British ultimatum to the French. In 1754 George was given the rank of Lieutenant in the Colonial Militia. Also Washington was defeated by the French during the attack on Fort Duquesne. At the age of 24, George attempted to receive a regular commission in the British Army. When the request was refused, George became an aid to General Edward Braddock with a commission as Lieutenant Colonel. Then Washington took command of Braddock's forces. Then for his bravery, Washington is promoted to Commander of Virginia forces. Those are only a few things he did in his military career. George is a hero for many things and one of them is his presidency. He is so called "The father of our country". Washington was elected 1789 and retired in 1797 although the people wanted him to stay president; he went back to his house and family. He was a land surveyor.camader and cheifThat would be Commander in Chief , President, and before that General of the Continental Army.

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What types of other jobs did George Washington have?

He was a planter and landowner, surveyor and distiller, military officer

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George Washington had to led many jobs he also had to take care of himself

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George Washington's jobs were farming and lawyer and author of common sense and reading

What jobs did George Washington do?

was a general

What were George Washington's jobs?

George Washington is known as the 1st President of the United States. Some of his previous jobs were as a surveyor, farmer, and also a leading general in the army.

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Yes he was in political jobs.

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Mt. Vernon

What jobs did George Washington have before he became president?

Before George Washington was President he was the top general in the Continental Army. George Washington was a farmer and surveyor.

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They do different jobs.

Where can I find different types of nursing jobs?

Different types of nursing jobs are available in a hospital. Almost all departments have nurses that specialize in that area. You can also find out about different types of nursing jobs at nursing schools.