There isn't automatically any. A democratic government can be authoritarian, or liberal. Democratic denotes the form of its constitution, authoritarian its manner of government. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive, though their spirit is broadly contrary.
The theoretical differences between authoritarian and democratic governance are centered on the direction and derivation of power. In authoritarian government the state is comprised the leader and or leadership. Power is derived and disseminated by the force of their hand emanating from top down. In democracy the people, that is the individual citizenry, are the state, and solely hold sovereignty. Through the will and consent of the governed does the government itself derive its power. The people retain the natural right to remove the government and install new ones. The fundamental differences between the two come down to who holds sovereignty.
Narrowed down to the basic difference is that in democratic counties the people can vote for key leaders and they cannot do that in an authoritarian country.
in authoritarian govt.the state is governed by the authoritarians. in other words, by the people who have power. they make the rules according to their will. on the other hand in democratic govt. the real power vested in the hands of public. they choose their representatives who make the rules for welfare of public.
An authoritarian state is one in which the organs of state impose the authority of the state on the people. The form of the state is irrelevant, and it may be a monarchy, a democracy, a plutocracy, a kleptocracy, or a theocracy. A Dictatorship is usually an authoritarian state in modern practice, but it is theoretically possible to have a most accommodating dictator and have the dictatorship be functionally equivalent to a monarchy.
Answer 1Authoritarianism is absolute rule by one, usually a Dictator or Monarch and Democracy is rule by all or by every citizen having a say in what is done.Answer 2The difference between an authoritarian and democratic government is the power held by its leaders. In an authoritarian government, power entails suppression of the opposition and human rights. In a democratic government, on the other hand, power is spread between different institutions that act as a check and balance on each other.
totalitarian authoritarian dictatorship
In a Dictatorship the people have no rights.
The kind of government that the Portuguese empire had was a democratic one.
There are a number of different styles of totalitarianism which are all heavily authoritarian. The most extreme form appears to be Stalinism. There presently remains only one Stalinist state left on Earth, which is North Korea.
Answer 1Authoritarianism is absolute rule by one, usually a Dictator or Monarch and Democracy is rule by all or by every citizen having a say in what is done.Answer 2The difference between an authoritarian and democratic government is the power held by its leaders. In an authoritarian government, power entails suppression of the opposition and human rights. In a democratic government, on the other hand, power is spread between different institutions that act as a check and balance on each other.
Jamahiriya (a state of the masses) in theory, governed by the populace through local councils; in practice, an authoritarian state.
Monarchy, Authoritarian Government, Dictatorship, or Tyranny.
totalitarian authoritarian dictatorship
The number of parties and the ability to hold a truly democratic vote (it can not be democratic if you only have one choice to vote for).
ofcourse not...representative government and authoritarian government are totally opposites, while everyone as equal rights and say in governmenyt in a representative government, only the ruler or leader has complete control over everyone in an authoritarian government.
a democratic government exists for the people of the united states and everyone involved in one
In a Dictatorship the people have no rights.
Not necessarily, you can have a capitalist economic system under an authoritarian regime as well as under a democratic regime. Some forms of economy, like central planning, occur much more easily under an authoritarian system than a more democratic one, but it is not wholly impossible for a democratic regime to embrace central planning.
India is one of them
A one-party system is a political system where only one political party is allowed to exist and hold power, often associated with authoritarian regimes. On the other hand, the Westminster model of government is a democratic system with multiple political parties where the party with the majority in parliament forms the government and the leader of that party becomes the head of government.
The kind of government that the Portuguese empire had was a democratic one.