When a historian refers to the historical context of an event they mean that they want you to look at the attitude, conditions and mood of the time of a specific historical event.
Whether one event was responsible for another
mediaval time or middle ages
Marbury vs. Madison was the first time the Supreme Court declared a federal act "unconstitutional" and established the concept of judicial review in the U.S. The landmark decision helped define the "checks and balances" of the American form of government.
They refer to the king of England
Yes, they are considered to be primary sources. Perhaps one of the best examples of this is the Bayeux tapestry which depicts the Norman conquest of England. Tapestries are not to be underestimated as source material as despite their pictorial format they provide information about the sort of views that were contemporary with the historical event you're looking into. For example, within the Bayeux tapestry you will find King Harold as being referred to as "Rex" which is the Latin for King. However, by the end of the 11th century Norman sources do not actually refer to him as a King. In this sense you can see how chroniclers are presentinghistory to fit the views of the Norman house.
the circumstances surrounding the event
When a historian refers to the historical context of an event they mean that they want you to look at the attitude, conditions and mood of the time of a specific historical event.
Whether one event was responsible for another
Wether one event was responsible for another.
Western Wall does not refer to a historical event, but to a Jewish Holy Site in Jerusalem.
the surrender of the Roman emperor in 476 c.e.
Both refer to a length of time that begins with a change or event that affects many people.
Both refer to a length of time that begins with a change or event that affects many people.
An anamnesis is a mentioning of the past in a current context, used in rhetoric to refer to a previous event.
Reconstruction refers to the process of rebuilding or restoring something, typically following a destructive event or period of time. In an academic context, reconstruction can also refer to the examination and reinterpretation of historical events or periods.
Historical parallels refer to comparisons drawn between events, people, or situations from different time periods that exhibit similarities or commonalities. By identifying historical parallels, historians can gain insights into the potential causes or impacts of current events by examining past occurrences. This method helps to provide context and perspective on contemporary issues by looking at how similar situations have unfolded in the past.
The Gothic takeover of the Western Empire in 476 CE and the Turkish takeover of the Western Empire in 1453 CE.