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if opinion and manners did not forbid

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Q: What do the writers call to mind in asking women to join the patriots cause?
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What do the writers call to mind in asking women to join the patriot cause?

if opinion and manners did not forbid

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When was Women Writers Conference created?

Women Writers Conference was created in 1979.

What did the women writers focus on in their novels?

The women writers focused on the plight of women in the different regions of the country

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Salem College Center for Women Writers was created in 2002.

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Women who traveled with armies used to provide many "homefront" services. For example, they would help cook meals, care for the wounded, and repair uniforms.

What is the web address of the American Women Writers National Museum in Houston Texas?

The web address of the American Women Writers National Museum is: www.americanwomenwritersnationalmuse

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Where is the American Women Writers National Museum in Houston Texas located?

The address of the American Women Writers National Museum is: Po Box 22365, Houston, TX 77227-7722

What has the author Brian Keith-Smith written?

Brian Keith-Smith has written: 'Johannes Bobrowski' 'An Encyclopedia of German Women Writers 1900-1933' 'German Women Writers 1900-1933'

What did the patriots do in saratoga?

they got there guns and killed them and take there women and do them hard core