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The Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution.

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Kaitlyn Craig

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bill of rights

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Q: What document established freedom of speech trial by jury and the right to bear arms for American citizens?
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The Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution to guarantee a set of personal liberties to American citizens These included freedom of the press, freedom from government-established or -suppor?

It was good to protect the freedom of individuals.

Which document granted citizens the least mount of freedom?

Magna Carta

What document has become a symbol of American freedom?

Bill of Rights

Which of the following documents established freedom of speech trial by jury and the rght to bear arms for American citizens?

Multiple-choice questions only work when given the list of possible answers.

What does the bill of rights provide to citizens?

It gives American citizens the right of freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion.

What document gave the Spanish freedom after the Spanish American War?

The 1898 Treaty of Paris.

Why was Georgia O'Keeffe awarded the medal of freedom?

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest honor awarded to American citizens. She was awarded it for her achievements in art.

What document gave United States freedom from Great Britain?

The Treaty of Paris (1783) formally ended the American Revolutionary War in which the colonies won their independence, but no document gave the United States freedom from Great Britain.

Does Hussein like the freedom of speech?

I would say the answer to that is a resounding no considering that freedom of speech is one of our rights as American citizens and he hates everything about our country.

Britain does not guarantee its citizens religious freedom .?

false, it does guarantee its citizens religious freedom

What document established freedom of speech trial by jury and the right to bear arms for Americans?

The Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution.

What document allowed religious freedom to all Christians in Maryland?

The Act for Religious Toleration