washigton d.c is in Maryland so they had to protect it
Not too many people consider Russia to be an enemy although many would consider Russia to at least be a competitor. The Chechnya separatists are enemies of Russia.
An extreme measure by Lincoln to stop Maryland voting Confederate (which would have had Washington DC totally surrounded by enemy states). He jailed Maryland's pro-Southern leaders without trial.
In his prime, Washington weighed 185 to 190 pounds, so it is reasonable to assume that he weighed 200 pounds later in life. George was a giant of a man for back then. He was nearly a foot taller than his friend John Adams, and a little taller than his tall enemy, Thomas Jefferson. Washington was about 6'-2", and was built like a professional wrestler: he was immensely strong in his younger years.
The sedition act was pretty much a law that would make it a crime to talk against the war by protesting or giving out false information and aswell as punish anyone giving information to the enemy. If you think about it this law was meant to get rid of any protest or helping the enemy in any sort of way like spionage is one example.
You enemy has a friend, you consider that guy a enemy also so the enemy friend is a enemy
the nazis
The real enemy of the people is government stupidity.
Yes, I and I'm pretty sure many others would consider enemy territory to be geeky.
The mi'kmaq did have enemies, they were the mohawk indians and the british.
the antagonist is the enemy
Egyptians usually see Israel as Egypt's greatest enemy because of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Israelis are cautious of Egypt, but do not consider Egypt an enemy.
Anyone against them, and the government.
This is how I learned it: consider the + as a friend and the - as an enemy. So your enemys(-) enemy(-)= your friend(+)
they didnt