The line going through an "o" helps to clarify the letter o, from the number zero.
Rutherford B. Hayes
yes it was ^o) yes it was ^o)
The fourth estate
The diameter.
In mathematics, the symbol "ΓΈ" with a line through it is used to represent the empty set, which is a set with no elements. It is not used to represent the letter "o" or the number zero. The symbol is commonly used in set theory and mathematical logic to denote a unique set with no elements.
Jorn Utzon [with a diaganle line through the o (/)] Jorn Utzon [with a diaganle line through the o (/)]
It is used to differentiate the number zero from the letter O in alpha numeric strings.
To find the letter O in the acrostic poem of a bison, you would need to look at the line in the poem that corresponds to the letter O in "bison." Scan through that line to find the word that starts with the letter O.
by going through your trash everyday o je
You make an counterclockwise circle and then make a line going right to join to the next letter.
The major line of latitude that goes through Ohio is the 40th parallel north.
o o o o o o o Just connect the line base on 3dots per set.
Antwerp, Or Osterbrogade, with th o with a line through it.
This is simply called a line. <---------------O-------------------------------O----------------------> But this is called a line segment: O-------------------------------------------O
It's the greek letter, Theta. It's used to symbolize an angle.