In the standard color code in electronics for the values of resistors, those letters are the initials of the colors black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray and white which stand for the digits 0 through 9, in that order.
Zachary Taylor represent Louisiana
3.5 cm is 70 km
Why did the cartoonist use a snail to represent Congress?
The people that are selected by state governments to represent the needs of the people are senators. Congressmen are also selected to represent the peoples needs.
it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number
The pillars represent the consisitution, since they signed it they clearly represent it.
what does brukins represent
They represent art.
It represent engagement
snakes represent the devil
it represent that she was the goddess of war
it represent life in god
what do gangs represent
a leaf represent happenies
it represent nothing!