If this means what does a biologist study, that would be Biology. Biology is the study of life and living organisms including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.
You should indeed study medicine if that is your passion. If you do not like medicine do not study medicine.
physcal study
it is prospective cohort study
Study's all kinds of reptiles and amphibians.
george washington study at my house
Yes, there are many different types of biologist one of which study plants
It is called a biologist
a biologist
Marine biologist
biologist??? I think! biologist??? I think!
marine biologist
A biologist studies the interaction between life forms in an environment. a biologist could study a macaw or other life like a microorganism
Marine biologist
you have to sciene
what are some questions that biologist might ask about the living things they study
The study of cells is known as cytology, so a cell biologist is a cytologist.